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Research Methods



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+49 (0)178-8955-751

Submit your tax return as training or business expenses

You can deduct the expenses for the statistical evaluation as part of your further education (master’s degree or doctorate) in your tax return as income-related expenses.

Doctors also have the option of deducting the expenses in your tax return as business expenses.

How to get started?

How to get started?

How to get started?

I quote all work on a per project basis so you know the exact amount you will pay for the whole project, no matter how long it will take to complete the initial work or how many questions or requests you may ask later on. I also offer free

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About Our Firm

Important Note:

We are a German company, but came from Croatia only two years ago, so our knowledge of German, English and Slovenian are not the best, they are not perfect.

That is why our prices are cheaper.

If there is any content that you believe may violate copyright laws, please let us know. We will remove it immediately.

Statistische Beratung und Datenanalyse

The best reward I get is your success and satisfaction!           

Our mission - to find meaning, value and truth in data.

Free Consultation

Interesting about us

October 29, 2002

Wie funktionieren die einzelnen Zahlungsoptionen?

Wie funktionieren die einzelnen Zahlungsoptionen?
Die Zahlung erfolgt über die sichere Plattform STRIPE.
Wir haben viele verschiedene Zahlungsmethoden.
Wählen Sie (link) Warenkorb - Zahlung, wählen Sie den Betrag über "MENGE" und dann die entsprechende Zahlungsart aus. 
November 22, 2000

Our Statistical Computing Resources

Statistical Data Analysis: Our Statistical Computing Resources
Statistical data analysis has taken an important place in various fields of science and economy. Whether it is evaluating research results or making decisions in the business environment, data analysis is a crucial factor. In data analysis, statistical computing resources are central to collect, process and interpret the data.
September 04, 2000

Vision, Mission, Principles

Vision, Mission, Principles
Statistical consulting and data analysis are of great importance for the success of companies and institutions. Leonardo Miljko offers a wide range of statistical services aimed at simplifying complex research methods and facilitating decisions. As leading experts in this field, the company has a clear vision, mission and principles that emphasize the pursuit of excellence and customer satisfaction.
September 04, 2017

Website Usage T&Cs

Website Usage T&Cs
We welcome you to our website.
October 21, 2021

Disclaimer liability for content

Disclaimer liability for content
As a service provider, we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with general law in accordance with Section 7 (1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG).
October 21, 2021

ToS - Terms of Service

ToS - Terms of Service

Usually, a written contract for a scientific service is concluded between the company "Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis Leonardo Miljko" (contractor)
October 29, 2000

Rates, Fees

Prices, fees
Statistical analyzes are indispensable for companies, research projects and academic work. However, comprehensive data analysis can be expensive, especially for students and young researchers. That is why Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis Leonardo Miljko offers an inexpensive solution.
October 21, 2000

About me: A statistical consultant for data analysis

About me: A statistical consultant for data analysis
Hello everyone! My name is Leonardo and I'm a computer scientist and an absolute statistics nerd. I am a member of MENSA www.mensa.ba and www.mensa.de  , INTERTEL of USA www.intertel-iq.org  , CATHOLIQ www.catholiq.org .
Data and numbers have always accompanied me professionally and my reputation as a computer scientist and statistics nerd quickly became known among my colleagues, which led to many requests for statistical assessments and advice. I can now look back on more than 15 years of experience in this field.


September 09, 2017

SPSS-Master's dissertation - Psychiatry


SPSS-Master's dissertation - Psychiatry

September 09, 2017

Survey and study patient satisfaction - SPSS - EXCEL


Survey and study patient satisfaction - SPSS - EXCEL

September 03, 2017

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)



September 09, 2017

Master's dissertation / thesis - Pedagogy (SPSS)


Master's dissertation - Pedagogy (SPSS)

September 09, 2017

Doctoral dissertation - Psychiatry - SPSS, AMOS and EXCEL


Doctoral dissertation - Psychiatry - SPSS, AMOS and EXCEL

September 09, 2017

SPSS - Research - Surgery - Biopsy


SPSS - Research - Surgery - Biopsy

Statistical advice and data analysis Leonardo Miljko gew.  www.StatistischeDatenAnalyse.de and www.StatistischeBeratung.de is a German company.
For over 15 years I have been giving tutoring and supporting students of all fields of study in the statistical analysis and interpretation of the results.
Previously at Statistical Agency Studio Leonardo www.Statistical.Agency  www.Statistika.co  

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Non-binding & free inquiry.

Statistical methods