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The services we offer include
Statistical consulting and data analysis are important services for companies and organizations. The aim is to collect data, evaluate it and draw conclusions from it. The company Leonardo Miljko offers exactly these services.
Based in Europe, the company provides statistical consulting and collaborative services to the private and public sectors, both locally and internationally. The services offered cover a variety of possibilities, such as data analysis, estimation, statistical modeling and forecasting. Performance analyzes are also carried out and advice on the preparation of diploma and doctoral theses is offered.
The survey and experiment design is carried out by Leonardo Miljko, as is the survey data analysis, survey processing and survey data entry. The company also offers reporting, statistical analysis and reporting. The programming of statistics and automated processes is also an important part of the services offered.
In addition to databases and simulations, the company also offers data mining and economic and econometric consulting. Leonardo Miljko also offers quantitative analytical support for marketing. Personal support with business research and company statistics is also possible.
The company offers its services in the field of medical statistics, bioinformatics and ecological statistics as well as in the field of statistical support for academic research. Statistical consulting, data analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM) are offered as well as software support and training services. The creation of reports and statistical graphics is also one of the company's competencies. Leonardo Miljko's services also include data visualization, web scraping and website development.
The company Leonardo Miljko thus offers a variety of services that enable companies and organizations to evaluate data efficiently and effectively and thus make well-founded decisions.
"Used Source: ChatGPT"
Statistische Beratung und Datenanalyse
In der heutigen wissenschaftlichen Welt spielen Daten eine wichtige Rolle bei der Forschung. Allerdings reicht es nicht aus, nur Daten zu sammeln - man muss auch in der Lage sein, sie richtig zu analysieren. Das ist, wo Statistiker wie Leonardo Miljko ins Spiel kommen.

Power Analysis: How Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis Leonardo Miljko can help you determine the right sample size
Determining the correct sample size is a crucial factor in conducting research studies. A sample that is too small can lead to unreliable results, while a sample that is too large causes unnecessary costs. In either case, this can lead to wrong conclusions and wasted time and effort. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the sample size a priori.

Survey Processing: Save time and focus on results
As a business or researcher, you may want to conduct surveys to gather data from your audiences. But entering and verifying survey data can be time-consuming and tedious. That's where Leonardo Miljko Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis comes in, a Europe-based company offering statistical consulting and collaborative services.

Statistische Analyse und Berichterstattung
Statistiken sind aus unserem täglichen Leben nicht mehr wegzudenken. Ob in der Politik, Wissenschaft oder Wirtschaft – sie spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entscheidungsfindung. Eine statistische Analyse kann helfen, wichtige Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen und bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Statistics have become an integral part of our lives. In almost every area of life, facts and figures play a crucial role. However, in order to make meaningful use of this data, knowledge of statistical methods is of the utmost importance. The company "Statistical Consulting and Data Analysis Leonardo Miljko" has been offering its customers professional and competent consulting in all statistical matters for many years.

Statistics explained
Statistics is an important part of many research works and decision-making processes. But what exactly are statistics and how can they help us make better decisions? In this article, we give a simple introduction to statistics and show how Leonardo Miljko statistical consulting and data analysis can help you improve your research results.